The Hand Whisper
The Hand Whisper
By Aaron Williams

is worse

the years
pass one by two

on my side
I wait for its return

a hand whisper
as her breath haunts my nape’s chilled hairs

my heart remembers
that curved arm kiss warming up sleeping skin

the way she made air move
how it crossed over like a glider finding home

I wonder how much longer
before I will feel a her here behind me once again

to be a man a woman wants
to turn to and hold for morning comfort from night’s smiling exhale

Aaron Williams’ poems were accepted by Vallum, The Healing Muse, The Scores, Boog City, Panoply, and Kansas City Voices. Two of his Poetry Slab concrete poems are displayed as public art in Missouri and Illinois. Aaron is founder and champion of The 7th Grade Poetry Foundation, and publisher and editor of six annual student poetry anthologies resulting from past programming. He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. Aaron is moving to New Hampshire some day in 2024.

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