By David Olsen
The pianist had outlived friends
she wouldn’t have recognized.

Her only daughter stifles tears,
accepts the arm of her confidante.

Seated behind, a distant cousin
and a nurse from the care home.

At the rear, rented pallbearers
sing with practiced confidence.

The hired minister fumbles names.
A burgundy curtain parts, closes

on remains smoothly conveyed.
Spirit-smoke. Ashes. Release.

Ambivalent embrace
of reluctant freedom.

A poet, playwright, and fiction writer with a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from University of California-Berkeley and Master of Arts in English and creative writing from San Francisco State University, David Olsen was formerly an energy economist, management consultant, and performing arts critic. His UnfoldingOrigami (80pp, 2015) won the Cinnamon Press Poetry. Collection. Award, and Past Imperfect, his second full-length poetry collection, is forthcoming from Cinnamon Press. Poetry chapbooks from U.S. publishers include Exit Wounds (2017), Sailing to Atlantis (2013), New World Elegies (2011), and Greatest Hits (2001). His work appears in leading journals and anthologies in the U.S. and Europe. A victim of childhood polio, he has been disabled by CFS since 1989. He has lived in Oxford, England, since 2002. See

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