I feel nothing
and a distant something.
a low burning,
like a candle or
better yet a lit match,
set to die any second
but on fire all the same.
it’s less than before.
before wasn’t paralyzing like I’ve heard it could be
but it was distracting.
it sat in my head,
like a houseguest who doesn’t leave the guest room.
I knew of it
and sometimes checked on it,
but in the end,
it might as well not have been living with Me.
this is less.
not a houseguest
or even a fly on the wall.
this distracts because it isn’t distracting.
it should be more.
a phrase that lingers,
a message that repeats
until a signal is sent that it has been heard.
instead it’s a breeze in the air.
not heavy or cold,
not warm or variable,
just air that moves from a to b.
not any different from the oxygen that’s been filling My lungs
for the last two decades.
though every once in awhile,
when My mind isn’t focused,
when nothing is passing through,
My lungs fill with air
and it’s larger than the breath before it.
Makenzie Kolar is a proud graduate of Central Washington University. She has a BA in Creative and Professional Writing. She has one short story published in Gone Lawn literary magazine as well as a few game reviews on Hardcoredroid.com
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