down the hill
full speed
no brakes
head and heart
no time
to process
the pen quivers
hands over heart
the coming explosion
is going to be
Lori Ulrich is an elementary school teacher at a K-12 rural school. Directing Sr. Drama plays is one of her passions. She has been writing poetry for many years and has attended several workshops with prominent poets. Lori belongs to a writer’s group Sisters Ink, publishing two chapbooks with them and working on the third. She has published one story in Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s Soul (Lianna) and poems in a variety of journals. Lori feels a poem lurking around all corners of her life; at home with family, in the voice of a robin at her farm, and in the rolling of the tires as she drives to work. Lori believes the meaning of life is to experience connection.
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