The diagnosis came
on a windy spring morning,
pine boughs sighing
heavily in the wind.
By October,
the wasting set in—
a wan disappearing
beneath the sheet
like a love letter slipping
into a fine linen envelope,
tucked, sealed
in its white paper jacket
then gone
through the mail slot,
opening somewhere
beyond my pencil.
Christine Andersen lives in Connecticut where she earned a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Bridgeport and an MA in Counseling Psychology from the University of Connecticut. Her most recent publications were in The American Writers Review 2020 and The Awakenings Review 2020. In 2019, her book-length collection entitled Neighborhood Poems was among the semi-finalists in the Concrete Wolf Louis Award Contest. She has worked with trauma survivors and knows the difficult process and transformative power of grief firsthand, mindful always that love is forever.
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