to ask if I want tomato plants
he has extra
his wife is dying
she wants to spend her
last days at home
they just returned from the hospital again
a hospice nurse with her now
she refuses a hospital bed
in the living room
he asks how many do you want
I want to answer
at least ten more years
but I reply just two
he says goodbye
as if practicing the word
Jacky Allbaugh was inspired to write while sitting alone in the Grand Canyon during a life- changing adventure. Solitude and nature started a flow of words. She lives in Whatcom County, Washington, and watches Mt. Baker change daily as seasons pass. Her friendship with local poets is a rewarding way to spend her retirement years following thirty-five years as an RN in family practice nursing. Listening to stories over the years and realizing the importance of writing her own has been a journey.
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